At Renovaré Canada, we stand with historic Christian orthodoxy, affirming both the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds.
  • We believe that a full life with God can be experienced by all.
  • This move from desecrated to sacred living is a work of God’s grace in our lives – a grace we partner with through the practice of spiritual disciplines.
  • The Christian life is an invitation to live in the Kingdom of God.
  • It is an invitation we accept by grace but learn to live into more fully day by day as we partner with the grace of God through practices of the spiritual life.
  • Community is important in this journey, as we grow and learn to grow in christlikeness while in relationship with others.
  • This does not negate the need for such things as silence or solitude, but rather puts them in perspective; we practice the inward disciplines to enhance the sacredness of our relationship with others.
  • To ground us in our conversion experience of being transformed more and more to live like Jesus, we turn to Scripture to teach us as God’s written revelation to us.
  • We also recognize the benefit of learning from others in the Christian tradition who have gleaned insights from Scripture for spiritual formation.
  • Lastly, we recognize the testimony of creation itself with its undesecrated witness to the Creator, in whose image we are made.
  • Christian spiritual formation is a move of God’s grace with which we partner in order to find ourselves being transferred from darkness to light, desecrated to sacred life, in the Kingdom of God.


Our mission at Renovaré Canada is to provide means for those wanting to experience, once again, the sacredness of life.


Renovaré Canada envisions a world where beauty, truth and goodness abound over and above crudeness, deception and indecency as the way of Jesus is learned and lived.